For Vision: Life the second project now comes to an end. With generated donations, two primary schools in the areas of Portee and Leicester in Sierra Leone were equipped with new school supplies and individual students are being supported with grants.
A pencil, a writing pad and a textbook. It does not actually need much to begin a lesson in a fully equipped classroom. For us this is obvious, but for many children in Sierra Leone the reality unfortunately looks different. Especially in the rural areas of Sierra Leone, the facilities in schools are rather poor. Vision: Life has therefore set up the goal of supporting the access to education as much as possible. But how do you help people who are thousands of kilometers away?
With the support of our project coordinator Rosaline McCarthy, who lives in Sierra Leone and brings along many years of experience in the coordination of educational projects. Based on extensive and systematic needs reports, she could exactly show us what was exactly missing in the schools. The first crucial step was taken in order to implement our first education project in reality.
With 1000 Euros, which slightly corresponds to more than 6 million Leone, we were able to supply Maranatha Community Primary School in Leicester and the Sierra Leone International Community Primary School in Portee with new textbooks, exercise books and pencils.
In addition, we were able to pay the school fees of individual pupils. The finish line is still not yet in sight, because these schools are in a desolate state. Currently there are renovations of the sanitary facilities underway. We will keep you informed about the further development of this process.
Right in the picture: Rosaline McCarthy our
Project Coordinator in Sierra Leone
New school materials for the
Maranatha Community Primary School in Leicester and the
Sierra Leone International Community Primary School in Portee
Pupils of the Sierra Leone International Community
Primary School in Portee