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(Deutsch) Schüler helfen Vision:Life e.V.
New name, same vision
Feed Our People Campaign e.V. (F.O.P.C.) is now Vision: Life e.V. The organization decided to adopt a new name in November 2015. We are now called Vision: Life e.V. with immediate effect.
With the new name we would like to better express our values and goals of our organization. Our vision is to improve the lives of the people in Sierra Leone, especially after the Ebola epidemic. The main focuses of our organization’s work are raising awareness through information and education projects, which will particularly be directed to the younger generation. The new name Vision: Life e.V. is concise and immediately easy to remember. Previous and future supporters are the driving force for our projects and it is therefore important that they can remember our name well. The team as well as our vision remains unchanged.
We would like to thank you for your support so far and hope that you will continue to remain loyal to us.
Yours sincerely
Vision: Life Team
A report by the Fellbacher newspaper
Who missed our event on Saturday, can at least find a nice summary in the report by the Fellbacher newspaper. We also linked the report, moreover it can be found in our media survey.
Media survey
Fellbacher newspaper, 21.10.2015: Nach der Epidemie beginnt die Arbeit
SEZ Stiftung Entwicklungs- Zusammenarbeit Baden Württemberg, Veranstaltungshinweis[detailid]=1084
City Fellbach, Veranstaltungshinweis
Stuttgarter newspaper, 22.06.2015: Ende des Fastens bei der Fiesta
Stuttgarter newspaper, 21.01.2015: Voller Einsatz für die Opfer der Ebola-Epidemie
Stuttgarter news: 21.01.2015: Voller Einsatz für die Opfer der Ebola-Epidemie
Report of the Fellbacher Newspaper
A very good review of the Fellbacher newspaper about our Ebola fundraising activity of
January 24 in the Jugendhaus Fellbach (Youth Center), Germany.